
The Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) is a young, dynamic private university with a global outlook. It aims to solve pressing medical and health issues that our societies face today through innovative and impactful teaching and research activities within and beyond its borders in the areas of human medicine, pharmacology, and nursing. The PMU is committed to becoming a world-class institution of higher education by providing an enriching and stimulating environment to its students and staff through transdisciplinary collaboration with key partners around the world. To put this commitment into action, the university management established the PMU’s International Office (IO) which is the central unit that is responsible for the development and implementation of the university’s internationalization strategies. Internationalization is embedded in the PMU’s institutional culture and embodied in its actions and values.

  • Policy on equity, diversity, and inclusion
    The PMU follows the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion, and provides equal opportunities to all students, and staff. These principles are integral to the PMU’s internationalization strategies, and are also articulated in the PMU’s gender equality plan (text in german).
  • European Policy Statement
    In 2020, the PMU received the Erasmus+ Charter for the program period 2021 – 2027. The PMU sees itself as part of a global network of universities and other institutions in the health care sector that are active in medical, pharmaceutical and health science education, research, and practice. Internationalization is therefore an essential aspect of the university’s activities, both in research and in teaching, for students as well as for employees. It adheres to the values articulated in the Erasmus+ Charter and views internationalization as a key instrument in increasing the quality of teaching, research, and services of the university, as well as increasing the university’s innovation capacity. It supports the development of social, communicative, and intercultural competencies of its students and staff by participating in the key activities of Erasmus+. The PMU also actively supports the initiatives under Green Erasmus+ and strives to contribute to the achievement of the UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goals in its actions and process. To this end, the university is currently working on an institutional sustainable development plan. To read the full version of the PMU’s Erasmus Declaration on Higher Education Policy, please read here (text in German).


The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Dr. Rosalyn Eder, MA

Head of International Office

Responsibilities: Strategic development and implementation of internationalization; strategic partnerships

Ms Bianca Leuschner (currently on leave)

Erasmus+ Mobility Coordinator; Assistant to the Head of IO

Responsibilities: Coordination and administration of Erasmus+ mobility; Administration of English courses; Coordination of events

 Medvesek Ajda

Ms Ajda Medvešek, MA

Program Coordinator

Responsibilities: Administration of partnerships; Administration and coordination of winter/summer schools; Administration of marketing activities; Administration of English courses; Administration of student mobilities.

Ms Maia Seeger, BA

Program Coordinator

Responsibilities: Administration and coordination of winter/summer schools, Administration of staff mobilities, Coordination of events.

Ms Maria-Fe Ortner, MA

Program Coordinator

Erasmus+ Program

Erasmus+ is the flagship program of the European Union which has been successfully implemented in the last 30 years. Erasmus+ provides opportunities for staff and students to increase the quality of their work/education experience through physical and virtual mobility. Starting with the new Erasmus+ program generation 2021 – 2027, the PMU has defined Erasmus+ as one of its key strategic avenues for internationalization. The International Office is the main contact point for all matters relating to the Erasmus+ program.



Student Mobility

Incoming Exchange Students

Students from partner universities must be nominated first by their home universities prior to sending their application. All courses at PMU are currently taught in German except PhD Medical Science. A minimum language competence level of C1 is required. Download the PMU Information Sheet for more details about your study exchange and/or research internship at PMU. Students whose home universities do not have a partnership agreement with the PMU can apply as a “freemover.”

The PMU does not charge tuition and laboratory fees for students from partner universities. Freemover students should inquire directly at the International Office regarding fees. All students enrolled in Austrian universities are required to pay the student union contribution per semester.

Incoming students interested in research internships should check the PMU’s research profile.

Clinical placement at PMU Uniklinikum is currently offered only to incoming students from partner universities. For details, please check with your home institution.

Click here for the incoming students guide

You would like to know more about the PMU? Check out these videos!


Outgoing Exchange Students

PMU students are highly encouraged to participate in mobility activities, whether for studies, research internship or practical internship. You are advised to discuss your interests with your respective study organization units at least a year prior to your planned mobility period. Once you have organized your mobility and have the approval of your study program and guest institution, you can register your interest in Erasmus+ funding in the Excel list in MS Teams. Please note that registration does not automatically constitute an approval of your application. 

There are basically two paths to mobility supported by the International Office:

Erasmus+ mobility program for internship

PMU students can undertake an internship in an Erasmus+ program country. Under the Erasmus+ program, students will receive a monthly mobility grant, provided that all the grant requirements are met. Find more detailed information about the mobility program in the Calls for Application below. You will also find the Erasmus+ Student charter here.

  • For long-term mobility, minimum length of stay must be at least 2 full months (for ex: 15.10. to 15.12.).
  • For short-term mobility, length of stay must be at least 5 days and maximum 30 days, and must include a virtual learning component (except for PhD students).
  • Eligible destination countries: 26 EU member countries, plus 13 Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) associated with the European Union, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey.
  • The following mobilities are not eligible for funding:
    • mobility in Austria
    • mobility in Klinikum Nuremberg
    • mobility in your country of residence
  • For non-Austrian students, mobility in your country of citizenship will be given the least priority in funding allocation. This means that funding depends on the budget and destination of mobility. Mobility in your hometown/region is not eligible.

Call for Application Academic Year 2023/24


Non-Erasmus+ mobility programs

These are mobility programs to Switzerland, the UK, and to PMU partner universities outside the European Union. You are advised to apply for grants to support your expenses related to study exchange or internship. See also the section on Grants and Scholarships below.  

Mobility in PMU partner universities in the USA is competitive. Please inquire at the administration office of your degree program.

Staff Mobility

The PMU as a learning institution recognizes the immense value of staff mobility in fostering collaboration and innovation, and in strengthening partnerships. Colleagues are highly advised to contact first the potential receiving department or institution prior to submitting their application for a staff mobility.

Calls for Application for Academic Year 2023/24

Information on Erasmus+ Staff Teaching mobility: this type of mobility can be combined with training purposes. However, a minimum teaching obligation applies depending on the duration of the stay. Please see a list with detailed information:

If you would like to apply for a staff mobility via Erasmus+, please send an Email to International Office. If your mobility meets the criteria for Erasmus+ funding and your application has been approved, please send the following documents:


To confirm your mobility upon your return:

Colleagues interested in applying for collaborative research should check PMU’s Research and Innovation Department and/or research profile

Use the checklist to plan your Erasmus+ mobility and learn more about the application procedure. For further questions please contact the International Office.

Incoming Staff Mobility

Colleagues planning mobility to Austria for research purposes can use the Researcher´s Guide to AUSTRIA.

Grants and scholarships

For external grants, please check the Austrian database for scholarships and research funding.
For information about PMU’s internal research funding schemes, please contact the PMU’s Research and Innovation Management.


International Cooperation

Quality partnership is a key element of PMU’s internationalization strategy. The PMU as an institution of higher learning values deep and strong partnership based on mutual respect, equity, transparency, and fairness. It works with key strategic partners around the globe, while it continues to develop its partnership portfolio. For questions about partnership, please contact the International Office.



The PMU is an active member of the Erasmus+ community, and aims to further widen its network of strategic partners for mobility and capacity-building projects. To this end, it has established bilateral agreements with several European universities. For questions about partnerships, projects, and mobility (staff and students), please contact us.

ERASMUS+ Partners


- University of Rijeka
- University of Osijek

Czech Republic
- Charles University

- Kajaani University of Applied Sciences

- Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig

- University of Patras

- Univerisity of Debrecen
- Hungarian University of Sport Sciences

- University of Salento
- University of Messina

- Dublin City University

- Rigas Stradina Universitate

- Poznan University of Medical Sciences

- Instituto Universitário Egas Moniz
- University of Minho

- University of Ljubljana, faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Health Science Celje

- Universidad de Alicante

- Karolinska Institute

Currently being negotiated:

- University of Turku (Finland)
- George Ohm Technical University (Germany)
- University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (Germany)
- University of Bern (Switzerland)

PMU's global strategic partners:

North America

- Mayo Medical School / Mayo Clinic, Minnesota
- Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
- Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
- University of Northern Florida, Jacksonville
- Yale University, New Haven

South America

- Universidad de la Republica

- Fundación UNiversitaria Juan N. Corpas


- Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUSMS), Dhulikhel Hospital

- Peking University

- Chang Mai University
- Khon Kaen University
- Srinakharinwirot University
- Rambhai Barni Rajabhat


- University of Adelaide
- University of Wollongong


United Kingdom
- University of Glasgow, Scotland
- University of Stirling

- Nuernberg Institute of Technology Georg Simon Ohm, Nuremberg

- Berner Bildungszentrum Pflege


South Africa
- University of Cape Town

International Membership

The PMU is an active member of the following international organizations:

- Association of Academic Health Centers International
- Eurasia-Pacific Uninet
- Africa-Uninet
- European Association for International Education (EAIE)
- NAFSA Association of International Educators




  • EMI - English as Medium of Instruction
  • English Language Training in Dublin City University (DCU)
  • English course for staff
  • PMU Winter School "Exercise Physiology in Health and Disease"


EMI - English as Medium of Instruction

English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) “refers to the use of the English language to teach academic subjects (other than English itself) in countries where the first language of the majority of the population is not English” (Macaro et al., 2018, p. 37). This practice has implications for the quality of the teaching and learning processes; it impacts not only on the content delivery of academic subjects, but also on the didactic teaching/learning effectiveness. This course responds to the need to improve the skills of lecturers in using English as the language of course instruction.
Specifically, it addresses the challenges of designing and teaching course content using a language that is not the lecturer’s native tongue. EMI goes beyond translation of course materials into English, and focuses on the various didactical aspects, particularly in relation to oral skills and oral production that impact on the quality of the course delivery. In the long term, this program is intended to support the internationalization process at higher education institutions by ensuring that lecturers are competent in using English as a medium of course instruction.

At the end of the program, the course participants should be able to:

  • increase their English communicative competency
  • improve their EMI skills
  • immediately apply the skills they learned to their teaching practices
  • reflect on their teaching skills and practices
  • particularly in terms of content delivery and the context of
    their class (i.e. characteristics of the students)
  • conduct peer observation
  • provide constructive feedback.

This course focuses on the following topics:

  • Module 1: Tools for English as a Medium of Instruction
    • Introduction
    • Digital Tools
    • Pronunciation and prosody
    • English for the classroom
    • Academic and English for Specific Purposes
  • Module 2: Introduction to EMI practice
    • Multimodal communication in the classroom
    • Teaching methodology and planning
    • Practice teaching through mini-lectures
  • Module 3: EMI practice teaching
    • Course design including objectives, outcomes, and assessment
    • Peer observation
    • Practice teaching including individual peer feedback

Pair/group works, interactive lectures, reflective exercises, and online tasks. Participants are expected to be actively engaged and to put the learned strategies into practice. The course is in English.

Certificate of participation will be awarded after the successful completion of each module. Each module is awarded with 2 ECTS.

For PMU staff and PMU-Uniklinikum staff: provided that the full EMI course is successfully completed, two ECTS can be credited towards the didactic training requirements for habilitation.

Dr. Carolyn Westbrook, British Council Test Development Researcher for productive skills, Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (UK), and freelance EMI trainer.

This is a 3-module virtual course taught over a year. Schedule for hybrid classes (virtual and face-to-face) is indicated as such.

Module 1:

  • Concluded. Will begin again in 2025.

Module 2:

  • 29.04.2024, Monday – 18:30 – 20:00 (2 UE), online
  • 06.05.2024, Monday – 18:30 – 20:00 (2 UE), online
  • 13.05.2024, Monday – 18:30 – 20:00 (2 UE), online
  • 20.05.2024, Monday – 18:30 – 20:00 (2 UE), online
  • 27.05.2024, Monday – 18:30 – 20:00 (2 UE), online
  • 21.06.2024, Friday – 16:00 – 17:30 (2 UE), hybrid
  • 22.06.2024, Saturday – 09:00 – 10:30, 11:00 – 12:30, 13:00 – 14:30 (6 UE), hybrid
  • 24.06.2023, Monday – 18:30 – 20:00 (2 UE), online

Module 3:

  • September to November 2024; dates will be confirmed in May 2024

Hybrid classes will take place at the PMU in the Strubergasse 21, 5020 Salzburg.


In addition to the online and hybrid classes, participants are expected to spend approx. 110 hours for self-study and/or online independent and collaborative work for the duration of the course.

Obligatory registration for Module 2 and 3  via email to Please indicate ‘EMI course for lecturers’ as subject of your email.

Applications will be ranked according to date of registration.


Participants must have English language skills at minimum B2 / ideally C1 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Official test score is not required.

Max: 15 participants
Min: 8 participants


  • Eur 600,00 per module for external participants
  • Eur 500,00 per module for applicants associated to PMU
  • Eur 400,00 per module for internal applicants

Discounted rate if all three modules are booked and paid for at once:

  • Eur 1,700.00 for external participants
  • Eur 1,300.00 for applicants associated to PMU
  • Eur 1,100.00 for internal applicants

PMU doctoral students as well as PMU teaching staff and teaching staff at any Austrian higher education institution can apply for an additional 50% discount upon registration. Please attach a copy of enrollment confirmation (for students) or teaching load (for teaching staff) when registering.


  • External applicants are applicants that are not associated or affiliated with the PMU and its partner organizations.
  • Applicants associated to PMU are students and staff of PMU partner institutions, PMU teaching hospitals, and teaching staff of higher education institutions in Austria.
  • Internal applicants are students and staff of the PMU and the PMU University Hospital (PMU-Uniklinikum Salzburg and Nuremberg). Further education budget from the applicant’s respective department/institution can be used to pay for the course. For more information, applicants should contact directly his/her/its immediate supervisor or line manager.
  • 2 scholarship places are available to applicants from the Ukraine who hold an official displaced status.

International Office, in collaboration with the degree program PhD in Medical Science.


English Language Course in Dublin City University


In this program, participants will be part of an international group of learners and will be immersed in an English-speaking country.

Main objectives

  • to improve the English language skills of the participants and
  • to increase their confidence in using English in their everyday work.

Course fee:

  • The course fee of Eur 449,00 includes the registration fees and the course book. The course fee can be covered by the further education budget of your department/institute.

Erasmus+ Funding

  • Travel and accommodation costs are partially funded by Erasmus+.


  • May 26 - June 02, 2024
  • October 21 - October 26 2024

To be paid for by the participants:

  • Participants will pay the difference between the Erasmus+ grants and the actual travel and accommodation costs
  • Cost of the day trip on Saturday (if booked).
  • Other additional costs.
  • Exception: there is a written agreement between the participants and their head of department/Institute, which regulates how the difference is to be paid.

Detailed information:

Official and binding registration:

This program is considered a continuing education opportunity for PMU staff and therefore requires the approval of your respective head of department/institute.


English course for staff

Improving the English language competency of university staff is essential for enhancing the quality of education, fostering a diverse and inclusive environment, and advancing the university's reputation on a global scale. Strong language skills among staff members benefit students, research, administrative operations, and international partnerships, contributing to the overall success and effectiveness of the university. To this end, the International Office offers two English courses for staff.

Course 1: English for staff
Lecturer: James King
Level: Participants must have at least A1 level
Format: Face-to-face at the Salzburg campus
Schedule: 19.02.2023 to 17.06.2023

Course 2: Business English
Lecturer: Sophia Lambrakis
Format: Hybrid
Level: Participants must have at least B2 level
Schedule: 05.02.2024 to 27.05.2024

To register, submit your completed and signed application form by January 31 by email to   

To determine your level of English, please take this online test:

These courses are funded by Erasmus+. Thus, participation is free of charge for all PMU employees. For details please read the guidelines.

For questions, please contact   


Blended Intensive Program: "Tackling the societal challenges through a One Health approach" in Portugal

Dear students our partner university, Egas Moniz, in Portugal is organizing their Blended Intensive Program: "Tackling the societal challenges through a One Health approach" organized by Prof. Ricardo Assunção, Prof. Miguel Grilo and Prof. Liliana Silva.

The Blended Intensive Program will take place at Egas Moniz School of Health and Science from July 8th to July 12th, 2024, and is open to undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students.


  • 02.07.2024 – virtual session, 2pm to 5pm
  • 08.07.2024 – program starts
  • 11.07.2024 – social dinner hosted by Egas Moniz School of Health and Science
  • 12.07.2024 – program ends

Lunch (1 pm to 2 pm) and coffee breaks will be provided throughout the course.

The program is structured with morning classes (9:00 am - 1:00 pm) and afternoon activities (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm). The activities are intended to be both enjoyable and educational, reinforcing the morning's lessons, and designed to complement and enhance students’ learning experience. Egas Moniz will send the final version of the program once registrations are received.


Egas Moniz School of Health and Science

Campus Universitário

Quinta da Granja Monte de Caparica

2829-511 Caparica, Portugal

The campus is located on the south side of the Tagus River. There are several hotels and hostels nearby. Students need to arrange their travel and accommodation independently.

Interested students should first discuss their participation with their respective head of degree program about recognition of ECTS gained from this program. To apply, please email by Friday, June 6th at the latest. Erasmus funding of Eur 79,00 per day for five days is available for this program. Slots are limited.